The Grid

The Grid concept is a new outline of Information Society.
Metacomputing, Knowledge Warehouses and Virtual Organizations are corner stones of this concept.
The Global Grid is still today a multitude of numerous Grid-projects, that cover a wide range of Sciences and Technologies - from pure Mathematics to Stock Markets and Public Health.
Global Grid Forum plays presently a role of "A Melting Pot" of Grid concepts, projects and uncourageous ideas from all over the Globe.

                                                                 inside the Grid concept


Grid in Europe

European Scientific Community implements Grid ideas into genuine Virtual Reality by large-scale European projects - EU DataGrid, HealthGrid, Eurogrid, NorduGrid, etc. as well as by transcontinental ones - DataTag, International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory  and others.

CERN and CNRS are conductors of this orchestra.

more European Grid projects


Russian Grid Initiative

Telecommunication Centre "Science & Society" coordinates efforts in multidisciplinary Grid development in scientific and industrial centres of Russia. Computational Grid for Biology, Chemistry, Biophysics, Medical Imaging and Modeling as well as Knowledge Grid for Biology and Biotechnologies - these are subjects of R&D and management.

TC "Science & Society" participates actively in European Grid projects connecting scientific societies.

"Grid Service Providing for Biomedical research" - our mission sounds.

the multidisciplinary RGrid