Телекоммуникационный Центр "Наука и Общество"


               - Информационные технологии будущего - разработка и реализация Grid


Our Participation in EDG

Been started as a part of high energy physics Grid project this infrastructure was growth beyond its limits and tied by now through 1Gbit/s Ethernet channel more than 10 scientific institutions of High Energy Phisics, Biology, Health Care and Moscow State University. Most of these institutions have considerable computational resources. Also, you may see these institutions shown on the map of Moscow.


Telecommunication Center "Science and Society" provides also in addition to mentioned backbone channel a computational Linux-cluster as a Grid-resource that is presented on EU DataGrid map under name UMOS.


Computational cluster of Science & Society called here UMOS is an active part of DataGrid project resources in Moscow. It's now a part of Russian Interdisciplinary segment and it looks like it's a part of European Grid. See DataGrid Status Map for more details.


We have participated in European Datagrid Testbed for High Energy Physics in the framework of EDG WorkPackage 6.


Also, TC S&S took a part in the EDG WorkPackage 10, performing research in the area of Genomics. The staff of the Virtual Organization "DataGrid Biomedical" can be seen here.


In July 2001 Telecommunication Center "Science and Society" has received a grant from INTAS for

"Research of Grid Technology for Data Intensive LHC Experiments in Heterogeneous Environments"


Grant Number: INTAS 00-004410